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RAC Membership

Artists and art lovers, support our mission by becoming a member of the Roxborough Arts Council.


Our Mission: to enrich lives in our community by bringing artists and others together through advocacy, education in art, enhancing and stimulating interest in art and related activities; providing venues for member artists to exhibit their works; providing forums for artists to share information through regular meetings, the RAC website, and other means; and providing community service to increase the presence and appreciation of art.


Roxborough Arts Council is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization, supported by the Colorado Scientific and Cultural Facilities District.


Regular Membership - $50 per year

Member receives 10% discount on ROX Arts classes.


Family Membership - $75 per year

Member plus one other family member receives 10% discount on ROX Arts classes.


Supporting Membership - $100 per year

Member receives 10% discount on ROX Arts classes and a discount of 10% on a single item purchase.


Sponsor - $250 per year

Member receives 10% discount on ROX Arts classes and a discount of 15% on a single item purchase.


Patron of the Arts - $500 per year 

Member receives 10% discount on ROX Arts classes and a discount of 20% on a single item purchase.

7301 South Santa Fe Drive
Littleton, CO 80120

Phone: (720) 724-5730



© 2022 Roxborough Arts Council

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